
I’d like to introduce myself and a bit of my stats. I like to call them stats because I have many facts and figures that have come together to bring me to who, what, when, where, why I became. I am a product of events in this lifetime that can be labeled and wrapped into a nice story for people at large. I don’t usually tell or reveal much of Me, but it’s time. Right Here, Right Now.

“To Create One World of Truth, We All Must Be Able To Be Truth.” -KIM MACKY

Before I get into it, when you see an (*) next to a word, it is to indicate that there is definitely more to the story; and a way to remind myself to write an entry that you can find later in a separate Blog Post.

I go by KIM MACKY.* I have been a longtime resident of Southern California, but still consider myself a NorCal Girl, a Texan, and a European at heart.* Turns out, I was born in California - which I’ve been told makes me a “Native”.* My family relocated back to Cali by way of Philadelphia, Dallas, Austin to Pebble Beach. We rented a house in Pebble Beach, which is considered quite posh by the locals on the Monterey Peninsula. I was then dropped into a small “outdoor” school named Pacific Grove High School, “P.G. High” (Go Breakers!)". After miraculously graduating with an attendance record that would make a mother cry, I chose to move to SoCal -not back to Texas - because of the better weather. I attended The University of California, Irvine receiving my B.S. in 4 years. (no easy feat!)*

I made plans to move to Las Vegas to go to dealer school and become a High Limits Dealer at the best casino. To put off life before I was going to dive into my grand plans of dealing cards, I decided to go take some practical classes at Orange Coast College, like Accounting, Federal Taxation, Spanish, Business etc. - subjects I didn’t learn while studying Biological Sciences & Social Sciences at UCI. Plus, but school was a no-brainer for me. Real Life, however was a much harder path. So admittedly, I chose the easy way.

The truth is, I was tired. And to be flat out real, if it weren’t for my keen awareness to follow My Intuition - I know, I wouldn’t have made it.

So here I am. To say Hello. To all that have found Me - know that You Are Here For A Reason. Open-heartedly, I’d like to say thank you for making it this far, We have that in common. Let’s begin - Right Here, Right Now.

Love All Ways,


KIM MACKYhttps://kimmackymedium.com

Kim Macky is a professional Spiritual Healer and Psychic Medium with a unique blend of gifts and services for spiritual seekers. She offers transformative energy healing sessions and insightful psychic readings that provide personalized guidance. With expertise in Past Life Regression, she helps release energetic blocks and uncover deeper memories about your soul's journey. Specializing in Soulmate Calling, Kim assists clients in attracting and nurturing fulfilling relationships. As a natural born Medium, she can also connect with loved ones on the other side for the purpose of clarity, peace, and closure. Sessions are available as live online video chats or in-person for the following Southern California regions: Los Angeles, San Diego, and Orange County. Her mission is to provide compassionate support and empowerment for those who want to advance their spiritual path.

© Kim Macky - Spiritual Healer & Psychic Medium


Psychic Medium, Channeler Psychic Intuitive Energy Healer +

Messages of healing, Vibrant, for Peace&Joy for the good of ALL.

Everything is Energy. Your Soul is calling you to learn.




Spiritual Laws of the Universe